29 de diciembre de 2010

Diario de Viaje. Día tres. I

Louis Bourgeois está en la Maison de Balzac con la exposición póstuma, Moi, Eugénie Grandet, creada alrdedeor del personaje de la novela homónima de Balzac. Bourgeois se confiesa plenamente identificada con la Eugénie Grandet que imaginó Balzac: una mujer que tiene que huir del universo patriarcal para arribar a aquello que se imaginó de sí misma:

Ternura absoluta, no hay forma de no salir conmovido del universo que Bourgeois crea para Grandet como pretexto de sí misma. Un universo crítico e irónico de las ideas y objetos que tradicionalmente se asocian con lo femenino, pero que trasciende la rabia fácil para remarcar una idea simple: no hay forma mejor de reivindicar lo verdaderamente femenino que a través del poder transformador de la belleza. 

Algo de lo visto:

Louise Bourgeois
Ode to Eugénie Grandet

I have never grown up
I am standing near the window
I have spent my life making curtains
to hide the dirty glass
I have spent my life making curtains
while watching the building across the way
I have spent my life waiting
I have spent my life washing
dishes and vegetables
I have spent my life going up and down
I have spent my life afraid of the cold
letting down waists and shortening dresses
I have spent my life
listening to the chirping of the birds,
the water dripping from the ceiling
and the traffic on 20th street
I have listened to the sounds of the pigeons
The hesitations of the mice
and the bees and the flies before summer
I have spent my life
smelling the burning from the stove
and listening to the starting of the refrigerator

The telephone may be out of order
The doorbell may be broken
Has the mail come?
I have spent my life making openwork pulling threads for the
bed sheets and the table clothes
I have spent my life making a trousseau
I who has never been trussed up
I give humor
not pity
I am not stupid I am only unhappy
fearful foolish a washer woman
I have spent my life washing socks
and handkerchiefs

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